Institutional Membership
The Associated Designers of Canada (ADC) now offers exclusive Institutional Memberships for post-secondary theatre design programs across Canada. This unique opportunity empowers both educators and students by integrating them into the national and international design community.
By becoming an Institutional Member of the Associated Designers of Canada (ADC), your program will be connected to the heart of the Canadian theatre design community.
For just $500 per year, unlock exclusive benefits designed to enhance your students’ experience and support their professional journey.
Elevate your theatre design program with an ADC Institutional Membership! Let your students take the next step towards professional success while enhancing your programs reputation and reach.
Key Benefits of Membership:
- Exclusive Access for Your Students: All design students from your institution can register for ADC Student membership without the usual $25 application fee, granting them full access to ADC’s resources and opportunities.
- $250 Credit Toward PQ Student/ Emerging Exhibit Participation: Your institution will have $250 annually set aside toward participation in the PQ (Prague Quadrennial) Student/Emerging Designer Exhibit every four years, totalling $1,000 in value. (Unrefundable)
- Yearly Classroom Engagement: An ADC designer will visit your class annually to offer insights into the industry and provide valuable career guidance to your students.
- Enhanced Professional Development: Your students will gain access to ADC’s online programs, resources, and the latest industry updates through the ADC Newsletter, enriching their learning experience.
- Visibility & Networking: Registered Student Members will receive a profile in the ADC Designer Directory, a significant networking platform connecting them with industry professionals across Canada and beyond.
- Educational Collaboration: As an institutional member, your program is invited to participate in the ADC Education Committee, contributing to the advancement of design education and staying ahead of emerging trends.
Membership Cost: $500/year (January – December)